10-Day Audiobook Creator Online-Course
Audiobook creation is a growing and accelerating business. You may already know that audiobook creation is often touted as the way to riches. These claims come from more than one quarter. And it's correct: with audiobooks you can achieve a significant sales volume, you have less to worry about compared to drop-shipping or selling physical products anywhere – especially if it is through one of the big platforms like Amazon or eBay and similar.
Unfortunately, it's usually not mentioned that you will lose around 68% of your profits to Amazon (owning Audible) or Apple -- if you sell through them.
So there must be a better way -- and there sure is!
In this course, we will get you all set on the path of improving your profits and no longer fall for the common rip-offs that make you lose money to the big-tech platforms mentioned above.
We commend you for wanting to change this and enrolling in this course.
You will learn how to free up those 68% Amazon and friends would 'normally' take from you, and how you become your own audiobook entrepreneur (and boss).
We have done it, and you can, too! This online course will teach you how.
- 13 Sections
- 57 Lessons
- 0 Quizzes
- 5h 49m Duration
Welcome to 10-Day Audiobook Creator | Here Is What You Need to Know about Your Course
- Breakout-Room Message | Onboarding Video for 10-Day Audiobook Creator
- The 10-Day Learning Process & How You Get the most Out of This Course
- Members-Only Facebook Group: Join the Community!
- Getting Support | Asking Questions
- Checklists | What They Are, How (and Why) to Use Them Here
- Questionnaire: What Is Your Objective, Why Did You Join 10DAC?
- The 10-Day Audiobook Creator Method: Checklist and Course Syllabus
Foundations | The Audiobook Entrepreneur Mindset
- How to Be Successful with 10-Day Audiobook Creator
- Three Important Principles Within the 10-Day Method
- How to Grow into an Audiobook Entrepreneur
- Achieving Your Goals Faster
- Why People Are Successful
- Developing an Audiobook Entrepreneur Mindset
- Managing Your Time (Do Not Waste on Low-Value Activities!)
- How to Manage, Not Waste (!) Your Time Despite Social-Media Use
- Money Is Abundant for Us, But Time Is a Finite Resource
Finding Your Topic | What Types of Audiobook to Create  
- Applying Lean Principles
- Price Projections
- Distribution Channels
Mapping Out Your Audiobook Concept
- Finding Title Ideas
- Determining Audiobook Title and Project Viability
- BREAKING NEWS: New Helper Tool Just Published
Outsourcing Components During Audiobook Production
- High-Value Tasks vs. Low-Value Jobs
- Think Like an Entrepreneur, Use Your Resources (Incl Your Own Time) Economically
- Your Business Is a System, Now Add More Functions to It
- Employees vs. Sub-Contractors
- Narrators
- Graphic Designers
- Social-Media and Platform Managers
- Where to Find and How to Manage Sub-Contractors
Tools for Audiobook Creation
- Finding Room or Solutions for a Suitable Studio or Recording Space
- Microphone Selection
- Garage Band
- Audacity
- Not a Fan of Adobe Tools
- Why You Need a Pop-Screen
Narrating and Actual Audiobook Production
- Your Voice and Making It Sound Best
- Preparations and Helpers for a Good-Sounding Voice
- You May Want to Stand Up While Reading
- Actually Reading and Recording Your Audio Files
- Blank Space, Setting Levels, Adhering to Best-Practices and Standards while Recording
Tools for Audiobook Editing, Processing, File Handling
- Cleaning Up and Editing Your Recordings
- Level-Checking and Processing Your Files
- Sound-Engineering Your Audiobook Record Files
- Professionally Arranging Your Materials into an Audiobook
- Command-Line for Accessing Server Files
- Command-Line for Uploading/Downloading Audio Files
- Graphical Tools: some other FTP client here
- Graphical Tools: FileZilla
- Designing and Producing a Square Audiobook Cover
Tools for Hosting & Running Your Audiobook Business Better
- Uploading and Storing on Common Web Platforms
- Uploading and Storing on Sound Platforms
- How to Set Up Your Own Server for Self-Hosted Audiobook Content
- There's Nothing Wrong with Hosting Audio on Your Own Website or Blog
- Quick & Dirty: Even Crap Like DropBox or GoogleDrive Might Do
Advertising: Common vs. Advanced Methods
- Google Ads
- Facebook Ads