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5-Step Money and Freedom online-course (c) 2023 Mark Mage. All rights reserved.

5-Step Money and Freedom Course | Intro to DeFi, Bitcoins, Gold & Silver


The 5-Step Money and Freedom Course | Introduction to De-Centralized Finance, Bitcoins, Gold & Silver


  • 7 Sections
  • 36 Lessons
  • 0 Quizzes
  • 5h 39m Duration
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Introduction to the 5-Step Foundations of Money and Freedom Course | How to Get the Most Out of It
4 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. How to Get the Most out This Course
  2. Join the Community: Private Members-Only Group
  3. How to Get the Most out of Your 5-SMF (or 7DMF) Course
  4. Asking Questions and Getting Help
Step #1 | Physical Precious Metals: Investing in Gold & Silver
4 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Gold & Silver 101: Buying and Selling Physical Precious Metals
  2. other chapters from mm Gold & Silver Bullion and Coins eBook/paperback
  3. How to Buy and Avoid the Common Rip-Offs
  4. Storage Options for Gold and Silver
Step #2 | Bitcoin and Altcoins: Getting Started in Crypto
9 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Bitcoin and Altcoins: What Are They, What Does It All Mean?
  2. Getting Started in Crypto Coins
  3. Trading Crypto Coins and Speculating
  4. Set Up a Wallet and Buy Your First Coins
  5. Best Solution for You: The Powerful Bisq Wallet
  6. How Crypto and Blockchain Technology Solve the Storage Problem
  7. Paper Wallets
  8. Shiny-Object Syndrome: Hardware Wallets
  9. Even Stupider: JP Morgan's "Bitcoin Portfolio Storage Services", for Private Clients at That!
Step #3 | De-Centralized Finance
3 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. De-Centralized Credit
  2. High-Yield Crypto Loans
  3. Crowd-Funding
Step #4 | De-Centralized Payment Options
7 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Paypal, Skrill, Squarepay etc: Why These Aren't It!
  2. Precursors to Bitcoin and wider Blockchain or Block Index Technologies
  3. The Ins and Outs of Using Bitcoins as Currency-Replacements for Payment and Similar Purposes
  4. Payments with Gold & Silver or Bartering with Precioius Metals
  5. Issuance of Promissory Notes
  6. Barter for Things or Other Value (Such as Work, Machinery Usage Horse & More)
  7. Coming Later: Safe-Haven Project (Example, Just as Food for Thought)
Step #5 | PoS and Masternode Coins and Masternode Operation: Get Involved to Profit from DeFi
5 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Why Bitcoin Buy-and-Hold Is Not Investing -- and What Instead Is
  2. Which Coins Are Suitable?
  3. How to Select and Get into MN Coins
  4. How to Set Up and Operate Nodes
  5. Coming Soon: Self-Hosting Your Node
Putting It All Together: A Blueprint for Freedom Through Precioius Metals, Crypto DeFi & More
4 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. A History of Money and Economics
  2. How Money Has Been Instrumentalized
  3. How to Break Free with Freedom Monetary Systems and Beyond
  4. Why this System Isn't Working Forever and the Resulting Risks for Your Wealth
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